What is it?
An electocardiogram or ECG as it’s more commonly known is a assessment procedure undertaken to record the electrical activity of the patients heart.
For any patient enquiries please speak to your specialist or contact MCDC by calling us on (03) 9802 9250.

Procedure Information
What to bring
- Request form for procedure
- Any concession cards including Medicare and private heath fund cards
- All current medication in its original packaging
No special preparation is needed to undertake this procedure.
- ECG dots and leads are applied to chest, wrists and ankles
- Data readings are input into the computer, while the patient remains still for up to 10 seconds
The electrocardiogram is reported by a cardiologist and the report is dispatched to the referring doctor on the next business day to when the procedure was done.
Patients undergoing ECG are only required until the recording has been sighted by a cardiologist.